
Ultrasound Change

Well the ultrasound has been pushed back to first thing Thursday Morning. So no one freak out that we don't have info on-line about it. Don't freak out if you haven't heard anything from us. We are just waiting...again. So, once we know if it's one or two babies we'll let you know! :-) Thanks for your desire to know what's up with us we really do love that you all are so interested!

We'll keep you updated! Don't worry!

*-: MUCH LOVE! :-*


The Notorious N.A.T said...

you paint that room yet? OH WAIT YOU ARE NOT TO PAINT THE ROOM...she says as she snickers and her mind floats to Christmas' to come... ;-)


Good talking with you on Saturday. Hope you found your frames.

Love you!

ReBeKaH said...

nat your crack me up... seriously you contridict yourself sooo much!!!

i found no frames that were worth mentioning...suck! i think we're going to make our own..that way we can get sizes we need. :-) good talking to you too!

Gavin's Pictures

Pictures from Our Trip