
Pictures at 12 Weeks

It's our little Charlie Brown sucking his/her thumb.. awww!!! :-)

How your baby's growing:

Your baby's hit the 2-inch mark (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce. Her face is beginning to look more human. Her eyes, which started out on the sides of her head, have moved closer together on her face, and her ears are near their final positions on the sides of her head. Your baby's intestines, which have grown so rapidly that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into her abdominal cavity about now. Her kidneys are secreting urine into her bladder. Her nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly, and synapses (neurological pathways in the brain) are forming. Your baby may have acquired more reflexes by now, including sucking, and she'll even squirm if you prod your abdomen, though you still won't be able to feel her movement for several weeks.

we can now tell the WHOLE world that we are pregnant b/c we have reached the 12 weeks we all were holding our breaths for! I have more photos but it premiere! gotta watch the office! yaaah baaaby!



First Picture

This is a picture of the baby at 9 weeks only 2 more weeks to go and we'll be at 12 weeks which means we'll be more in the "clear" regarding the whole miscarrage thing... but for now we'll just marvel that we can see such a tiny thing and such a young age. I honestly cried a little when I first saw it!

I gtg back to work but i just wanted to share with everyone our little bundle of joy.. 2 more weeks and we'll see limbs as well as be at the 12 week mark.. DANG 3 MONTHS GOES SO FAST!
I'll be at shannon's this weekend with Anita...so more blogging to come! Love y'all!


We Have News!

For all of you who check in regularly I'm so sorry we haven't had much to say. But today we have news! WOHOO.

Life seemed to have returned back to normal for us back in the state of ohio...but then came ultrasound day...we learned...

We are now 9 weeks along...only 3 more weeks and we will be in the clear...well at least more than we are now!

The baby (yes just one) is growing fast. how amazing is it to think that in just 3 weeks the baby has grown from 3 mm to 2 cm! in 3 more weeks we will see limbs on the ultrasound!

And the last but most important thing we learned today....the baby's heart is strong... with 160 beats per minute the word that the doctor used was "excellent". they look for the heartbeat to be 120 BPM but they say anything over 150 is excellent progress!!! They can see the baby's head, heartbeat, and body on the ultrasound instead of just a blob that it was 3 weeks ago....

next Friday I'll be flying down with my friend/honorary sister Anita to have one more trip before school starts! hopefully next time we'll have pictures!


Gavin's Pictures

Pictures from Our Trip